This is the web site for the Albright Bariatric Clinic - we call it "the ABC" for short. Dedicated to the lifelong treatment and management of obesity and eating disorders. Where weight loss is understood as a lifelong medical disease that requires and deserves the full attention and treatment of the health profession.
Statement of our philosophy on obesity
Finally, permanent weight loss can only be achieved through the following elements:
To contact us, simply click on the button to the left of your browser window that reads "Contact Us." You can send us electronic mail and we will reply to all inquiries. Let us know your story - positive or negative - with weight loss or your weight problem. We know - with geographic constraints - we can't personally treat everyone. However, we do have access to the list of member physycian in the American Society of Bariatric Physicians - the largest professional association of doctors specializing in the treatment of weight problems. We can pass along a member physician near you who might be able to help you with your treatment. We are here to help. Just ask us.
Remember: For legal reasons, you should not consider the information on this site to be anything more valuable or definitive than advice from a friend or neighbor. Your access of this information does not, in any way, establish a "doctor-patient relationship" and we are not offering you medical advise that would substitute for the advice of your own personal physician. While we believe that the information on our site is correct and have made every effort to have only unbiased, timely, medically-proven information on our web site, we make no promise that the content of our web site is 100% correct. Any errors or ommissions should be reported and we will make an effort to correct or update our current content. We do not treat anyone over the web without a complete, in-personal, medical evaluation. In my opinion, anyone treating obesity or prescribing medications for weight loss over the Internet is unethical and doomed to failure.We will treat only patients geographically able to appear in the clinic for regular medical evaluations.